Difundiendo el Náhuatl

Descubre la riqueza histórica y cultural del Náhuatl y conéctate con nuestra comunidad

En Voces del Náhuatl, preservamos y difundimos la lengua náhuatl. Explora su origen, evolución, influencia cultural y aprende a hablarla con nuestros recursos interactivos


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green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime

Learn Nahuatl from scratch interactively

woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue

Explore Nahuatl culture and traditions

green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime

Literature in Nahuatl, discover authors

man in black shirt sitting beside woman in gray shirt
man in black shirt sitting beside woman in gray shirt

Investigaciones sobre lengua náhuatl histórica


Eventos y actividades relacionados náhuatl

green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime

Access diverse resources, dictionaries, translations

green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime
green Cocoa tree with fruit during daytime


Cursos interactivos

Aprende náhuatl de manera fácil y divertida con nuestros cursos interactivos en línea


Traduce textos del náhuatl a otros idiomas y viceversa con nuestra herramienta de traducción


Accede a una amplia variedad de recursos lingüísticos, como diccionarios y libros recomendados